"So how do we kill Different?"
asked the housewife-with-too-much-time-on-her-hands...
"I dunno"
said the soldier
"We should burn different, burn different, burn"
Said the man about town
together they stood in a clearing
thousands of townspeople agree
It's the best thing to do when you encounter different
Kill it.
Different moaned. It's head was bleeding. It hadn't been out of it's
little hole for long. Different was not even gay, or from a another country,
Different felt indignant in the extreme. Different bled and bled while
the townspeople poked and prodded and kicked Different.
"Hey" said a local used car salesman, "Lets burn Different alive".
They took a squirming and sobbing Different and tied it to a tree and covered it in oil...
"Corporate intelligence now MORE!" screamed a women in joy as she lit the match the fell on Different pool oil covered frame.
A squeal of fear came from Different and it was burned alive screaming and roaring for mercy...Unlike a witch burning this had nothing to do with God.
It was simply a decision the townspeople made like going to the store or buying a crepe.
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