Friday, September 24, 2010



When did time become a twisting, turning knot of hairs?
All woven into a complex blanket
When did time cease to be a straight line
How many times have I been here?
One million and one
Life like the cascading sensation
Of fingers on my spine
Loves me into eternity
Life like a lover
Loves many women
Besides me
Yet she has my name and my hair
And my shoes
And my genes
What if life were an eternal
Unfolding of many possibilities
That go on being only when we make decisions
I made a choice to let go
But still her voice haunts my soul
The voice of my eternity
what voice cries and carries
through the different hallways
Time is forever cycles
And cycles
And cycles
Going into forever
And ever
Someone says something
And it falls into tunnels
Chasms of twisting
Love waits in the white light
Just beyond the veil
We all
See her for what she is
Love is eternal in the sight of
Human passion
Animals all of us
Passing into and out of the light
We need our mother to bear us unto death
I miss my place of origin
Beyond the places we go.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Love is a needle in the ass

Love is a needle in the ass

When you are psychotic
Love is a needle in the ass
It’s a bed where you can’t move
For fear of being strapped down
Love is a shower you were forced
Into and a towel thrown over your head
Love is antiseptic hallways
Where lunatics roam
Screaming with multiple heads
Roaring in different pitches
Love is big eyes and decaf with
Powdered milk
There is this certain smell
In these places
Like bleach and coffee
And mint and paper products
All mixed together
And the Dr. I talked to had an
E.T. pin and I thought she was
From another world
Like the world outside
White is the color of death
And evil
I remember movies playing backwards
And screaming in terror at the blank
Eyes of the windows as they gazed
At my humiliation
To mad is to be creative
And desperate…
The drum circle was fun though…

American Hunger

Staving off hunger (an American Diatribe)

Sometimes when you are starving
For love or money or food
You will go to great lengths
To stop feeling the absence
Of whatever the longing
Some people buy food
The way they buy
Putting as much in their
Pockets and mouths
As they can stand
They hunger for war
And oil and conflict
And vegetables
And money to pay
For strippers
And beer
There. Hunger is denied
By the needs of others
When does your body
Need more than mine?
Do we squabble over leftovers?
My thirst is the same as my hunger
Except it only wants water and wine
Jesus made water into blood on the cross
And for him we pollinate the world with
Our starvation
Hunger is a matter of not being full
Of needing to consume forever
The land and the soil
Cannot produce enough
Compost and we recycle
So that we can keep putting off
The next line in the poem
Fecal rust and poison dust
Live while we eat each other
Rats in a cage too much of everything
But Jesus.

Why did I love to eat?
Was it a symptom of something?
A steak and beer
Injured cow screams for it’s death
Somehow I don’t mind.
Are we all primates indeed…
That we would satisfy our hunger
At the expense of both wolves and deer
And ecosystems
Violence towards nature is slow and
But nature is slow and brutal as well
Where is my Beer?
Jesus fell at his mothers breast an cried
“why did we fail?”
God looked down and wept/
The Earth stood silently turning \
While hunger spread from land to land….
And factories belched black smoke
Of animal flesh and chemicals.
The golden arches spread
From gas station to polluted burg.
And the flag waves happily in the dappled sunlight
Over the starving angular bodies of children
World wide.
This is our legacy
Of the soul.

what the angels say

What the Angels Say…

The lackadaisical
Days of Summer
Blend into fall
In the fall
Everything falls
And fails

At some point
I thought this
Journey would end
But the journey
Kept on going

Past death
And renewal

Past being reborn
You come out of the
Only to find that
It is still the same outside you
Only to find that it is you
Not the world (hopefully)
That has changed

Reborn in death
Reborn in silence
Reborn in love

There is nothing on the road
No forgiveness
We cannot give ourselves
A new skin
The skin is fashioned
Out of light and

We wear it like
A small badge
To tell us what
We are.