Friday, September 24, 2010



When did time become a twisting, turning knot of hairs?
All woven into a complex blanket
When did time cease to be a straight line
How many times have I been here?
One million and one
Life like the cascading sensation
Of fingers on my spine
Loves me into eternity
Life like a lover
Loves many women
Besides me
Yet she has my name and my hair
And my shoes
And my genes
What if life were an eternal
Unfolding of many possibilities
That go on being only when we make decisions
I made a choice to let go
But still her voice haunts my soul
The voice of my eternity
what voice cries and carries
through the different hallways
Time is forever cycles
And cycles
And cycles
Going into forever
And ever
Someone says something
And it falls into tunnels
Chasms of twisting
Love waits in the white light
Just beyond the veil
We all
See her for what she is
Love is eternal in the sight of
Human passion
Animals all of us
Passing into and out of the light
We need our mother to bear us unto death
I miss my place of origin
Beyond the places we go.

1 comment:

  1. Hi CJ, these are all incredibly beautiful poems.
    I'm really inspired by them and will revisit them many times, I'm sure...
    You're quite amazing to me in many ways!!!
    Much love from Berlin, Thollem
