Friday, May 16, 2014

LSG 5/16/2014

This music is the sound
of my feet falling through the air,
landing on corrugated metal and running
up and down the angular spittle of
the spine

This wall is white \
black / purple and grey
this is rust colored

and the streets
are streaked with blankets

and performers

some woman
whirling white hula hoops

the cellist had already departed

The pavement is liquid
in places\
it's a dry day
there are
many people in the taqueria

to my great surprise they
give me whole black beans
with my shrimp plate

Sound is a funny thing

sometimes it breaks the walls
other times
it makes the floor rattle
still others
it's a delicate kiss
on the forehead

Music is the sound of people
organizing waves into
lines and phrases
that mutter and shuffle
and breathe
like circular
it's circular
the soul of this building
and the breathing

The NeckFace
smiles down
on the cement floor
and The sound
it lights the walls\.     

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