Friday, October 14, 2011


Light like night
is blear and Crystal
the sky bleeds
blood of orange
in the distance
the air is ringing
and the thoughts
on my fingers
come off in the
the land and the ocean
are talking
and the dialogue
is fierce.
There is blood
in the sky/
it is wetter than the rain
life contiunes
as if the volcano
that erupted
were only in your mind
this world
is a wall
and a glass ceiling
everthing above is transparent
and the sky is a floor
for the birds
and Gods..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evil Dead (:

So three people came in
Just as the music
Was at its peak
And asked to
See “the evil dead”
Then they escorted themselves out

Poetry is a mindless thing
Somehow yet it speaks
To the soul

The sound of the Theremin
Is bright and accompanied by guitar

This ensemble reminds
Me I am dreaming

Every day
Resting my head
In the pillow of my life

Sorrow gives me the hours
And disposition of a vampire.

So does love.

Fear sleeps during the hot day
And wakes and leaves the room when I wake

The children play outside
And the sun writhes

Dogs walk their owners
Cats mate and the corn man goes by with his cart of

Here I live and slumber
A quiet testament to sin of Sloth
And decadence is a cool cup of tea

At the hour when the sun vanishes
I come to life when the heads lay down
I Come to life like these women looking
For the evil dead

Whomever or whatever the evil dead is
I hope they find it.